Have you ever heard of MARMITE???. Well, if you go to the U.K, you can have the opportunity to taste this special food there!. And do you know what it is made from??? Marmite is made from beer brewing, and it is said that it is perfect for vegetarians. The British version is a sticky, dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty and savoury. This distinctive taste is reflected in the British company´s marketing slogan: "Love it or hate it". This product was originally British (1902), but a version with a different taste has been manufactured in New Zealand since 1919. Well, you just have to taste it to savour some of the food which was invented in England!...
Stereotypes??? oH..YEAH...AS we know Stereotypes are the beliefs concerning those properties of human beings that may vary across nations such as appearance, language, habits, attitudes, values and so on. It is true that there are plenty of studies about this subject, so, I am going to show some of the conclusions of some of the countries where the English language is spoken:
-AMERICAN – arrogant; assertive; open-minded; materialistic; ambitious; progressive; efficient; straight-forward; alert; practical; US-centered world view; egoistic; anxious; fast food eaters; war mongers; God is with us!. -CANADIANS – submissive; neurotic; agreeable; modest; open-minded; progressive; efficient; straight-forward; polite; respectful; anxious; law-abiding; orderly; caring for handicapped/elderly/minorities; tolerant; multi-lingual; moderate; no hero/celebrity worshiping; don’t like successful people; anti-American; passive; boring; socialist mindset; eat blubber; wear funny hats; live in igloos further north. -INDIANS – unconventional; adaptive; open-minded; agreeable; manipulative; hardworking; politically inactive; studious; intelligent; productive; inoffensive; poor personal hygiene; meditating or walking over fire, pinching needles through their mouth, in hands, legs and other private parts; spiritual, generally poor; snake charmers; legendary bureaucrats; huge families; love to watch soap operas; will outsource the whole world. -IRISH – loud; no sense of cuisine; impulsive; glass of whiskey or beer in his/her hand; Celtic music fanatics; have red hair and “white-white” skin; live and sleep with their sheep; religious fanatics and protesters. - BRITISH (UK) – drinkers; lousy food; stiff upper-lips; ultra-traditional; steady-on, old chaps; bulldog spirit; bad teeth and hygiene; rude; thin; smoke cigar or pipe; scruffy hair; “fitted” clothing; heavy binge drinkers; swear all day long; artistic; “fashionable”; deep thinkers; intelligent and articulate; boastful; anti-American; ride bikes; God save the Queen!.
Now it is the time to have fun with the following video entitled "BECAUSE I´M ENGLISH"!..What do you think???
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